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PDP-11 on the Internet

rsx.pdp-11.org.ru (Ersatz-11/SimH, RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6)

        RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6 with some enhancements and extensions, works under Ersatz-11 and SimH. Offers the following programming languages: MACRO-11, FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN-77, DECUS C, PASCAL. System is connected to HECnet. All questions about the system can be directed to FoRM.

Internet: telnet rsx.pdp-11.org.ru.
HECnet: CTAKAH (1.300)
Anonymous access: GUEST user without password.
You can obtain your personal account.

MIM.Update.UU.SE (Ersatz-11, RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6)

        Multiprocessor RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6, set up inside Ersatz-11 under Linux. Programming languages: MACRO-11, FORTRAN 77, PASCAL, DECUS C, PDP-11 C, BASIC PLUS 2. Main HECnet router. Questions about this system, RSX and programming in this environment can be directed to Johnny Billquist.

Internet: telnet mim.update.uu.se.
HECnet: MIM (1.13)
Anonymous access: GUEST user with password GUEST.
You can obtain your personal account.

elvira.stacken.kth.se (SimH, RSTS/E V8.0)

        RSTS/E V8.0, running under a slightly modified version of SimH. Details about the system can be found here. Internet: telnet elvira.stacken.kth.se 4000
Anonymous access: user 99,99 with password USER.

shop-pdp.kent.edu (LSI-11/73, TSX-Plus V6.5 и RT-11 V5.07)

        LSI-11/73 system with FPU, 2Mb of memory, RX02 disk controller, MSCP controller with a 320Mb ESDI disk, DLV11-J, DZQ11 multiplexer and DEQNA Ethernet controller. The machine has a WWW/FTP server running, containing TCP/IP package for RT-11 and TSX-Plus and various cross-assemblers for the PDP-11.

Internet: http://shop-pdp.kent.edu

madame.update.uu.se (PDP-11/74 (E11), RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6)

        Test site for a WWW server for RSX-11M-PLUS. The system works on a multiprocessor PDP-11/74 (emulated inside E11). Its TCP/IP stack is BQTCP/IP. The WWW server was written in BASIC-PLUS-2.

Internet: http://madame.update.uu.se/

DECnet networks


      Hobbyist DECnet network, connecting DEC machines in different corners of the world.
Homepage: http://mim.stupi.net/hecnet.htm


Kermit for PDP-11 systems

Kermit-11 for RSX-11, RSX-11/M, RSX-11/M+, Micro/RSX, IAS, P/OS, RSTS/E, RT-11 and TSX-Plus. Programs, sources, documentation.

Homepage: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/pdp11.html

TCP/IP for TSX-Plus and RT-11

TCP/IP support for TSX-Plus and RT-11.

Homepage: http://shop-pdp.kent.edu/
Mirror: http://shop-pdp.net

The UNIX Archive

      Huge archive of old UNIX version, which ran on the PDP-11 and VAX. Many distributions, source codes and images ready to be run on emulators.

Local mirror: https://tuhs.pdp-11.org.ru/
Mirror list: https://wiki.tuhs.org/doku.php?id=source:unix_archive


      Software for UK-NC, documentation and many others.

Homepage: http://uknc.narod.ru/
Local mirror: http://uknc.pdp-11.org.ru/

Bitsavers' software archive

      Software archive

Homepage: http://www.bitsavers.org/bits/DEC/pdp11/
Mirror: http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/
Mirror: http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/
Mirror: http://computer-refuge.org/bitsavers/

LSX Unix Restoration Page

      LSX Unix Restoration Page, devoted to LSX UNIX - UNIX V6 clone, able to run on systems with 40kB of memory.

Homepage: http://www.mailcom.com/lsx/


      Project to port UNIX to BK-0010 and BK-0011M. Based on LSX UNIX v6 variant for PDP-11 with 40kB of memory.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bkunix/

Woodstock's RX01 disk images

      RX01 image collection with various software for RT-11 (systems, compilers and many others).

Homepage: http://www.headcrashers.org/comp/rx01/

PDP11 RT-11 Games

      Games for RT-11.

Homepage: http://pdp11.saracom.com/

Program and documentation archive for UK-NC, DVK and BK computers

      Program and documentation archive for UK-NC, DVK and BK computers

Homepage: http://archive.pdp-11.org.ru/


BitSavers Documentation archive

      Large number of scanned DEC documentation in PDF format.

Archive address: http://www.bitsavers.org/
Mirror: http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/
Mirror: http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/
Mirror: http://computer-refuge.org/bitsavers/

Video Display Terminal Information

      Huge amount of information and documentation on video terminals.

Homepage: http://vt100.net/

DEC GT40 Graphic Display Terminal

      Characteristics, documentation, software for DEC GT40 and many others.

Homepage: http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/retrocomputing/dec/gt40/

RSTS/E Documentation

      Scanned documentation for various versions of RSTS/E.

Homepage: http://elvira.stacken.kth.se/rstsdoc/

RSTS/E, BASIC-Plus 2, RSX-11M-Plus Documentation

      Scanned documentation. RSTS/E, BASIC-Plus 2, RSX-11M-Plus and others.

Homepage: http://www.dmv.net/dec/index2.htm

Hardware suppliers

The Logical Company

The Logical Company supplies Q/Unibus adapters for the PC, and also offers modern solutions for PDP-11 replacement.

Homepage: http://www.logical-co.com/


ARRAID Inc. supplies hardware emulation solutions for old PDP-11 peripherals, allowing to use the capabilities of modern technology.

Homepage: http://www.arraid.com/

"Angstrem" works

"Angstrem" works manufactures PDP-11 compatible microprocessors.

Homepage: http://www.angstrem.ru/



Site devoted to PDP-11 history with many excellent photos.

Homepage: http://www.hampage.hu/pdp-11/

Yet Another PDP-11 Page

Yet another website devoted to PDP-11 history with nice pictures. Beside that, there are also various bootloaders for the PDP-11, useful tips and many others.

Homepage: http://www.psych.usyd.edu.au/pdp-11

PDP Unix Preservation Society

PDP UNIX Preservation Society (PUPS) is part of The Unix Heritage Society. Its goal is preserving information related to UNIX versions running on the PDP-11.

Links: http://minnie.tuhs.org/PUPS, http://www.tuhs.org


PDP-11/83 with your own hands...

      Short report on assembling PDP-11/83 with your own hands from components available on eBay and a collection of relevant information.
Homepage: http://pdp-11.org.ru/~form/pdp11-83/


      Website with a huge number of links to resources related to PDP-11.
Homepage: http://www.pdp11.org/

The DEC PDP-11 Emulation Webpage

      Website devoted to PDP-11 emulation. PDP-11 news, information, links and many more.
Homepage: http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/pdp11emu.html

PDP-11 Home Page at metalab.unc.edu

      Collection of various programs for RT-11, RSX-11, POS, VENIX and XINU.
Homepage: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/computer-science/history/pdp-11/


      PDP-11 enthusiasts' website. Contains lots of pictures, links to other sites devoted to PDP-11 and many others.
Homepage: http://www.pdp11.co.uk/

Henk's DIGITAL Computer Room

      Site devoted to PDP-11 with detailed descriptions of various models and equipment. Very nice pictures.
Homepage: http://www.pdp-11.nl/


      Detailed descriptions of various PDP-11 models and peripherals with pictures. Technical descriptions. Q22 ATA Disk Adapter and many others.
Homepage: http://www.chd.dyndns.org/pdp11/

Elektronika MK85

      Site devoted to pocket computer Elektronika MK85.
Homepage: http://mk85.narod.ru/

Pro PDP-11

      Sergey Vakulenko's site devoted to PDP-11.
Homepage: http://www.vak.ru/doku.php/proj/pdp11

Page on DVK

      Site about hardware and software for the DVK. Photos, schematics, descriptions and many more.
Homepage: http://oldcomp.vitaly.kremnev.ru/dvk.htm

DVK -- Emuserve

      Reference information on DVK. Characteristics, documentation, links.
Homepage: http://www.emuverse.ru/wiki/%D0%94%D0%92%D0%9A


      Floppy disk controller for UK-NC. Schematics, board extensions, assembly.
Homepage: http://www.sensi.org/~tnt23/uknc/
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