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        On this page you can find various software for the PDP-11, stored in the local project archive, as well as other software related to the PDP-11 or emulators.
WARNING! Before using software available here, please, familiarize yourselves with licensing terms of Mentec Inc. regarding the noncommercial use of old versions of RSTS/E, RT-11 and RSX-11M/M-PLUS, and with licensing terms of Caldera, concerning the use of old UNIX system source code.


File Size Description
micrsxv1.zip 1.78 Mb Micro/RSX V1 Distribution (14 x RX50)
rsx11m31.zip 3.25 Mb RSX-11M V3.1 Distribution (5 x RK05)
rsx11m32.zip 6.72 Mb RSX-11M V3.2 Distribution (5 x RL01)
rsx11m40.zip 5.23 Mb RSX-11M V4.0 Distribution (5 x RL01)
rsx11m42.zip 5.87 Mb RSX-11M V4.2 Distribution (downloaded tape, not original)
ias30sys.zip 1.58 Mb IAS V3.0 Distribution (downloaded tape TU10)
rsxmp21.zip 3.64 Mb RSX-11M-PLUS V2.1 Baseline (RD52 image)
rsxm32dm.zip 1.53 Mb RSX-11M V3.2 for 11/45, 124KW, 50HZ (RK07 image)
pos32rd.zip 3.60 Mb P/OS V3.2 (disk image for use with Xhomer)
put0301.zip 3.96 Kb PUT F03.01, program for running commands on other terminals under RSX-11M/M-PLUS.
tdxf0502.zip 7.82 Kb TDXF F05.02, DEC TDX substitute for RSX-11M/M-PLUS.
tdxf0602.zip 12.25 Kb TDXF V06.02, DEC TDX substitute for RSX-11M/M-PLUS.
cal0100.zip 6.05 Kb UNIX-like calendar for RSX
toy0201.zip 3.46 Kb TOY V02.01, program for use with TOY clock (Y2K compliant). TOY setup does not work at the time.
cp1251.zip 3.61 Kb ACD for KOI8-R <> CP1251 translation for RSX-11M-PLUS
srd683.zip 139.19 Kb SRD V6.83, program for sorting directory hierarchy with large number of options.
srd691.zip 139.74 Kb SRD V6.9.1, program for sorting directory hierarchy with large number of options.
rno20001.zip 710.76 Kb Benner Lab Runoff 2000.1, document formatting program.
vtl217.zip 308.70 Kb VTL V2.17, powerful program for viewing files on VT100-compatible terminals.
brd11.zip 13.75 Kb BRUDIR V1.1, program for viewing tape directories in the BRU format.
cod14.zip 12.25 Kb COD V1.4, program for coding/decoding files (ENC format).
mce428.zip 112.96 Kb MCE V4.28, command line editor
upt0101.zip 2.60 Kb UPTIME V1.01, UNIX-like uptime command for RSX-11M-PLUS

RT-11, TSX, Fuzzball, RAFOS, FODOS

File Size Description
rt11dv10.zip 12.00 Mb RT-11 V1-V5 Distributions. ISO image, which can also be used directly in RT-11. Original can be found here.
rtv40_rk.zip 843.60 Kb RT-11 V04.00 Distribution, RK05
rtv50_rl.zip 745.75 Kb RT-11 V05.00 Distribution, RL02
rtv51_rl.zip 817.97 Kb RT-11 V05.01 Distribution, RL02
rtv52_rl.zip 887.05 Kb RT-11 V05.02 Distribution, RL02
rtv53_rl.zip 932.72 Kb RT-11 V05.03 Distribution, RL02
rtv53y2k.zip 990.21 Kb RT-11 V05.03 Distribution, RL02. DIR, RTMON, RMONSJ.MAC, RMONFB.MAC and KMOVLY.MAC systems, investigated for Y2K compliance.
rtv53rd.zip 989.69 Kb RT-11 V05.03 Distribution (disk image for Xhomer)
raf21v40.zip 680.63 Kb RAFOS-PLUS V2.1/4.00 Distribution (RK06 image). RT-11V4 utilities (except LOGON, MANAG and PGN).
rt11v400.zip 561.29 Kb RT-11 V04.00, RK05. Contains RT-11SJ, RT-11FB, RT-11BL and a collection of system utilities.
rt11v503.zip 1.36 Mb RT-11 V05.03, RK07. Contains RT-11SJ, RT-11FB and RT-11XM with a large collection of programs, memory cards and answer files for SYSGEN. Systems are secured against Y2K. So are the DIR command and RTMON program.
rtv1-15rk.zip 50.18 Kb RT-11 V01-15, RK05
rtv2-02rk.zip 254.23 Kb RT-11 V02C-02, RK05
rttsxtcp.zip 3.19 Mb TCP/IP for RT-11 and TSX (homepage here).
date22.zip 5.81 Kb DATE V2.2, program for date setup during RT-11 loading
date30.zip 5.12 Kb DATE V3.0, program for date setup during RT-11 loading
mydrv10.zip 35.67 Kb MY: controller driver for RT-11 V5 with source code.
ioscan.zip 1.93 Kb Input/output page scanner
rsxlib.zip 2.99 Kb RSXLIB - format and \$EDMSG recoding subroutines from RSX-11 to RT-11.
etmv30.zip 8.77 Kb ETM V03.00 - date and time query program for RT-11/TSX-Plus via Ethernet and ethtimed. Needs RSXLIB.
ethtimed-3.0.tar.gz 10.40 Kb ethtimed V3.0 - time server for ETM, encapsulated under FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/Ubuntu, but can be deployed on other systems also. Needs libpcap-dev and bmake to build under Ubuntu.
rtem-patches.zip 4.36 Kb Collection of patches and files to build and run RT-11 V5.7 under RTEM-11
tsx61p.zip 202.56 Kb Collection of Y2K patches for TSX-Plus V6.01.
tsx65p.zip 59.77 Kb Collection of Y2K patches for TSX-Plus V6.50
rtpat.zip 378.95 Kb Collection of Y2K patches for BASIC-11 V02-03, BASIC-PLUS V3.2-05, FORTRAN-77 V5.0A, FORTRAN IV V2.8, DIR.SAV from RT-11 V5.3, and also patch for VTCOM from RT-11 V5.7 to support very fast processors/emulators.
bos.zip 402.83 Kb Fuzzball, base system
fuzz1.zip 285.20 Kb Fuzzball, disk 1/3
fuzz2.zip 309.53 Kb Fuzzball, disk 2/3
fuzz3.zip 334.55 Kb Fuzzball, disk 3/3
dbit.zip 20.36 Kb Some D Bit utilities for Fuzzball
fuzz.pdf 53.88 Kb Short introduction to Fuzzball


File Size Description
rstsv70.zip 3.41 Mb RSTS/E V7.0 Distribution (RL01 image).
rstsv9_lib.zip 4.68 Mb RSTS/E V9 Library Kit (tape image, TPC)
rstsv90_ins.zip 2.26 Mb RSTS/E V9.0 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv91_ins.zip 3.88 Mb RSTS/E V9.1 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv92_ins.zip 5.15 Mb RSTS/E V9.2 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv93_ins.zip 5.70 Mb RSTS/E V9.3 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv94_ins.zip 6.41 Mb RSTS/E V9.4 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv95_ins.zip 7.05 Mb RSTS/E V9.5 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
rstsv96_ins.zip 7.62 Mb RSTS/E V9.6 distribution (tape image, TPC). Needs RSTS/E V9 Library Kit.
date80.cmd 1.53 Kb Y2K patch for RSTS/E V8.0-06 for use with \$ONLPAT
dat807.cmd 1.53 Kb Y2K patch for RSTS/E V8.0-07 for use with \$ONLPAT
date92.cmd 1.44 Kb Y2K patch for RSTS/E V9.2-10 for use with \$ONLPAT
date96.cmd 2.37 Kb Y2K patch for RSTS/E V9.6-11 for use with \$ONLPAT


File Size Description
dos11.zip 126.10 Kb DOS/Batch-11 V10 (RK05 image).

UNIX, BSD, Ultrix

File Size Description
29bsd.zip 11.19 Mb 2.9BSD Distribution (tape image for Ersatz-11 & SimH)
211bsd.zip 27.20 Mb 2.11BSD Distribution (tape image for Ersatz-11 & SimH)
rauboot.tar 10.00 Kb Improved MSCP loader for 2.11BSD (support for non-DEC controllers)
ultrix30.zip 6.37 Mb DEC Ultrix 3.0 (tape image for Ersatz-11 & SimH)
ultrix31.zip 10.48 Mb DEC Ultrix 3.1 (tape image for Ersatz-11 & SimH)
unixv7.zip 3.52 Mb UNIX V7 distribution (tape image for Ersatz-11 & SimH)
uv5swre.zip 787.80 Kb UNIX V5 with source code (RK05)
uv6swre.zip 1.48 Mb UNIX V6 with source code (RK05)
uv7swre.zip 3.06 Mb UNIX V7 with source code (RL02)
venix2rd.zip 1.66 Mb VENIX/PRO Rev. 2.0 (disk image for Xhomer)
demos30.zip 2.15 Mb DEMOS 3.0 for DVK (diskette image MY)


File Size Description
xxdp22.zip 3.17 Mb XXDP 2.2 (loadable image RL02)
xxdp25.zip 3.61 Mb XXDP 2.5 (loadable image RL02)

PDP-11 emulators and utilities

File Size Description
demo23i.exe 6.55 Mb CHARON-11 2.3 for Win32 from Software Resources International. Demo version.
charoncfg.zip 1.36 Mb Configuration editor for CHARON-11.
mkdisk.zip 21.94 Kb Utility for creating disk images for emulators.
e11v71.zip 4.97 Mb D Bit Ersatz-11 4.1 for Linux. demo version.
FrogASPI.rar 15.67 Kb FrogASPI Needed to connect SCSI devices to D Bit Ersatz-11 under Windows. DLL should be renamed to WNASPI32.DLL
WinPcap_4_1_3.exe 893.68 Kb WinPCAP 4.1.3 for Windows x86 and x64
putr201.zip 234.17 Kb PUTR 2.01. Utility for working with disk images (MS-DOS).
$PDP11: files.pl,v 1.1 2023/12/24 10:19:34 form Exp $ © 2001-2023 PDP-11.ORG.RU