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CTAKAH:: RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6 BL87         HECnet - network for DECnet hobbyists, connecting various machines and operating systems in various parts of the world. It is a DECnet Phase IV network. Connectivity between network segments is maintained with the help of Ethernet bridge program. To connect to HECnet you need to contact Johnny Billquist. DECnet configuration questions should be directed to the PDP-11.ORG.RU support group or to Johnny Billquist. You can also subscribe to the mailing list (to do so, send an email containing the command "subscribe hecnet" to majordomo@update.uu.se).

Below you can read the descriptions of some of the systems connected to HECnet with guest accounts enabled.

NOTICE: not all systems run non-stop.

BIGSYS (62.3)

Location Novosibirsk, Russia
System RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6
Operational by popular demand
Hardware PDP-11/83
Network DECnet for RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6
Programming languages MACRO-11, FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN 77, PDP-11 PASCAL, PDP11 C, DECUS C, BASIC-PLUS-2
Guest access GUEST user without password.
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST BIGSYS (RSX, VMS), RMT BIGSYS (RSX), dnlogin bigsys (Linux).
Notes Details about the system here.

CHIMPY (8.400)

Location London, UK
System OpenVMS V8.3
Operational non-stop
Hardware AlphaServer DS10
Network HP DECnet for OpenVMS, HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Guest access ACCOUNT (account request), B4BBS (SAMPSACOM BBS), TETRIS (TETRIS for VT100-compatible terminals)
Access from the Internet telnet chimpy.sampsa.com
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST CHIMPY (RSX, VMS), dnlogin chimpy (Linux).

CTAKAH (62.637)

Location Novosibirsk, Russia
System RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6
Operational non-stop
Hardware PDP-11/94 (Ersatz-11)
Network DECnet for RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6
Programming languages MACRO-11, FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN 77, PDP-11 PASCAL, PDP11 C, DECUS C, BASIC-PLUS-2
Guest access GUEST user without password.
Access from the Internet ssh rsx@pdp-11.online, command HEL GUEST/.
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST CTAKAH (RSX, VMS), RMT CTAKAH (RSX), dnlogin ctakah (Linux).
Notes You can get your own account. To do it write an email to the project support group or from the guest account send message by running MAI S TO FORM.

CTEPBA (62.1)

Location Novosibirsk, Russia
System OpenVMS V8.4
Operational by popular demand
Hardware AlphaServer DS10
Network HP DECnet for OpenVMS, HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Programming languages FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, PASCAL, C, C++, COBOL, BASIC, ADA, JAVA
Guest access GUEST user without password.
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST CTEPBA (RSX, VMS), dnlogin ctepba (Linux).

MIM (1.13)

Location Uppsala, Sweden
System RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6
Operational non-stop
Hardware PDP-11/74 multiprocessor (Ersatz-11)
Network DECnet for RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6, BQT TCP/IP
Programming languages MACRO-11, FORTRAN 77, Oregon PASCAL, PDP11 C, DECUS C, BASIC-PLUS-2
Guest access User GUEST, password GUEST.
Access from the Internet telnet mim.update.uu.se, command HEL GUEST/GUEST.
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST MIM (RSX, VMS), RMT MIM (RSX), dnlogin mim (Linux).
Notes You can get your own account. To do it write an email to bqt@update.uu.se or from the guest account send message by running MAI S TO BILLQUIST.

XPEH (62.2)

Location Novosibirsk, Russia
System OpenVMS V7.3
Operational sometimes
Hardware MicroVAX 3900 (SimH)
Network Compaq DECnet for OpenVMS, Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Programming languages FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, PASCAL, C, BASIC
Guest access GUEST user without password.
Access from the Internet ssh vms@pdp-11.online
Access from HECnet Command SET HOST XPEH (RSX, VMS), dnlogin xpeh (Linux).
Notes You can get your own account. To do it write an email to the project support group or from the guest account send message by running MAI/SUBJ="Account" SYS$INPUT CTAKAH::FORM.
$PDP11: hecnet.html,v 1.2 2024/05/03 10:03:57 form Exp $ © 2010-2023 PDP-11.ORG.RU