Index of /~form/files/pdp-11/rt-11/date
DATE ptogram may be used to ask for the system date at RT-11 startup.
The date is selected using up/down, left/right and </> keys to
change year, day and month.
Program remembers the date was selected at last start.
Under RTEM-11 the program does nothing but remembers the current date.
If KDJ-11E or M100-series TOY clock is available, DATE uses it.
If Ethernet adapter is available, DATE can sync time over Ethernet
(ethtimed running under Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD is required).
?DATE-I-Time source: KDJ11-E
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45
?DATE-I-Time source: M100
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45
?DATE-I-Time source: 00-0C-29-8B-EC-89, OpenBSD 6.1 amd64
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45
?DATE-I-Time source: DEC Professional
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45
?DATE-I-Time source: RT-11
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45
?DATE-I-Time source: RSX-11M-PLUS
?DATE-I-Date & time: 9-SEP-2017 19:57:45