Virtual KMON ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Virtual KMON (VKMON) is a program that allows you to coinfigure RT-11 monitor file. VKMON commands are a subset of Keyboard Monitor (KMON) commands, but VKMON commands differ from KMON commands that they are directed to the monitor file rather than to the current running system. Two files are required for VKMON to work: RT-11 monitor file, and the corresponding memory map file. Configuring of a memory-resident monitor (MRRT, RAFOS/RM, etc...) is not supported. Invoking VKMON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VKMON uses SY: as a default device. Default file types are .SYS for the monitor file, and .MAP for the memory map file. By default memory map file name is the same as a monitor file name, unless explicitly specified. Using R/RUN command: .R VKMON *[ddn:]file[.SYS][,[ddn:][file[.MAP]]] Using CCL command (RT-11 V5.0 and newer): .VKMON [ddn:]file[.SYS][,[ddn:][file[.MAP]]] Examples: .R VKMON *RT11SJ !SY:RT11SJ.SYS and SY:RT11SJ.MAP .VKMON RT11SJ,RTSJ !SY:RT11SJ.SYS and SY:RTSJ.MAP .VKMON RAFSJ,DK: !SY:RAFSJ.SYS and DK:RAFSJ.MAP VKMON commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After opening of monitor and memory map files VKMON enters command mode, and lets you to configure the system. Use EXIT command or press CTRL/C to save changes and to leave command mode. If you're running VKMON from a command file you should use EXIT command to leave command mode. If you use "^C" in command mode, execution of the command file is suspended to allow you enter VKMON commands from terminal. There are some differences between KMON and VKMON commands: - RESET command in VKMON resets all changes not yet saved via SAVE command. - SHOW TERMINALS in VKMON allows you to show terminal settings in a singleterminal system. - SET TT in VKMON allows you to select a terminal line number to apply settings to. - VKMON uses a memory map file to see which features are supported and allows you to change settings using a command that might be not available in KMON of the system being configured. The following speeds are allowed in SET TT SPEED command for DZ/DH lines: 50, 75, 110, 134 (for 134.5), 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600 (DZ only), 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200 (DH only), 38400 (DH only). The following commands are supported in VKMON: .DA[TE] [dd-mmm-yy[yy]] - Show/set system date. Please note: setting date in monitor file can affect programs that could be used to set date and time from the system startup file. .DA[TE] NUL[L] - Clear system date. .EX[IT] - Exit command mode. .INS[TALL] dd[:] - Install device handler. .PA[TCH] - Print changes made to the system image by PATCH commands. .PA[TCH] M[EMTOP] addr - Set memory top address (SJ/SB/FB monitors only). .PA[TCH] M[EMTOP] SWR - Halt the system after boot to allow you to select top address via console switches, then continue to boot the system. .PA[TCH] M[EMTOP] AUT[O] .PA[TCH] M[EMTOP] - Reset the changes made by PATCH MEMTOP command. .PA[TCH] S[UFFIX] x - Set suffix for all device handlers. .PA[TCH] S[UFFIX] - Clear device handler suffix. .REM[OVE] dd[:] - Remove device handler. .RES[ET] - Cancel all changes not yet saved via SAVE command. .SAV[E] - Save changes to the system image. .SE[T] CLI [NO]CCL - Enable/disable CCL commands (RT-11 V5.2 and newer). .SE[T] CLI [NO]DCL - Enable/disable DCL commands (RT-11 V5.2 and newer). - Halt the system after boot to allow you to select top .SE[T] CLI [NO]UCF - Enable/disable UCF (RT-11 V5.2 and newer). Please note: if you're going to enable UCF on RT-11 older than V05.06 make sure SY:UCF.SAV is available. .SE[T] CLI [NO]UCL - Enable/disable UCL (RT-11 V5.2 and newer). .SE[T] CLO[CK] 50 .SE[T] CLO[CK] 60 - Set system clock frequency. .SE[T] ED[IT] EDI[T] .SE[T] ED[IT] KED .SE[T] ED[IT] KEX .SE[T] ED[IT] K13 .SE[T] ED[IT] K52 .SE[T] ED[IT] TEC[O] - Set text editor for EDIT command. KEX is suppurted in RT-11XM/XB/ZM/ZB V5.0 and newer. K13 is supported in FODOS system only (instead of K52). .SE[T] ER[ROR] ERR[OR] .SE[T] ER[ROR] FAT[AL] .SE[T] ER[ROR] NON[E] .SE[T] ER[ROR] SEV[ERE] .SE[T] ER[ROR] UNC[ONDITIONAL] .SE[T] ER[ROR] WAR[NING] - Set command file abort error level. .SE[T] EX[IT] [NO]SWA[P] - Enable/disable swapping of a program after exit (RT-11 V5.0 and newer). .SE[T] F[ORTRAN] F4 .SE[T] F[ORTRAN] F77 - Set default FORTRAN compiler (RT-11 V5.5 and newer). .SE[T] K[MON] [NO]IND - Set default command file mode (RT-11 V5.0 and newer). .SE[T] R[UN] [NO]VBG[EXE] - Enable/disable VBGEXE mode (RT-11XM/XB/ZM/ZB V5.6 and newer). .SE[T] U[SR] [NO]SWA[P] - Enable/disable swapping of USR. .SE[T] W[ILDCARD] EXP[LICIT] .SE[T] W[ILDCARD] IMP[LICIT] - Set wildcard processing mode for KMON. .SE[T] TT[n][:] CSR=xxxxxx .SE[T] TT[n][:] VEC[TOR]=xxx - Set terminal CSR and interrupt vector. .SE[T] TT[:] CONSOL=n - Set console terminal line. .SE[T] TT[:] [NO]QUIET - Enable/disable quiet command file mode. .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]CRL[F] .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]FB .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]FOR[M] .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]PAG[E] .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]SCO[PE] .SE[T] TT[n][:] SPE[ED]=n .SE[T] TT[n][:] [NO]TAB[F] .SE[T] TT[n][:] WID[TH]=n - Set terminal parameters. .SH[OW] - Show installed device table. .SH[OW] A[LL] - Show all. .SH[OW] C[ONFIGURATION] - Show system configuration. .SH[OW] T[ERMINALS] - Show terminal lines. .TI[ME] [hh:mm:ss] - Show/set system time.